Information pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 679/2016

This page represents the “Privacy Policy” for this site and is intended to provide information on how the personal data of users who visit the site and make use of the services it provides will be processed, in addition to providing the information required by Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679.

This information has been provided exclusively for this site and no other websites consulted by the user through the links present in the pages of this website.

EU regulation 679/2016, concerning the protection of personal data (hereinafter the “Regulation”), establishes standards relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data, in addition to standards regarding to the free circulation of this data and protects the fundamental rights and liberties of individuals, with particular regard to the right to the protection of their personal data.

Article 4 no. 1 of the Regulation stipulates that “Personal Data” is to be understood as any information that may concern an identified or identifiable individual (hereinafter the “Data Subject”).

“Processing” is to be understood as the operation of complex of operations, performed with or without the assistance of automated processes and applied to Personal Data or sets of Personal Data, such as the collection, registration, organisation, structuring, preservation, adaptation or amendment, extraction, consultation, use, transmission, dissemination or any other form of disclosure, comparison or interconnection, restriction, deletion or destruction (Article 4 no. 2 of the Regulation).

Pursuant to Articles 12 and following, it also stipulates that the Data Subject must be made aware of the appropriate information relating to the Processing activities to be performed by the Data Controller and of the rights of the Data subjects.

Data controller

Consorzio SKIRAMA DOLOMITI Adamello Brenta
Via Marconi, 7, 38027 Malé (TN)
P.IVA: 01956410227
Tel: +39.0463.901280

Purposes of processing and legal basis for processing

The user’s personal data will be processed in pursuit of purposes and on the legal basis indicated below:

  1. per la conclusione e per la corretta esecuzione del contratto di cui l'interessato è parte o all'esecuzione di misure precontrattuali adottate su richiesta dello stesso, per le informazioni e/o i servizi/prodotti richiesti, tra cui l'iscrizione alle newsletter informative; anche al fine di rispondere alle richieste inviate dall’interessato (informazioni/prodotti/servizi/iscrizione newsletter informative) la base giuridica per i trattamenti elencati è rappresentata dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. b) del Regolamento UE 2016/679;
  2. rispondere alle richieste inviate dall’utente mediante mail e/o form presente sul sito; la base giuridica per i trattamenti elencati è rappresentata dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. b) del Regolamento UE 2016/679;
  3. inviare periodicamente, tramite le tecnologie di comunicazione a distanza (mail, telefono, sms, whatsapp), comunicazioni commerciali sui servizi, prodotti e attività offerte dal titolare; la base giuridica è rappresentata dal consenso come previsto dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. a) del Regolamento UE 2016/679;
  4. inviare periodicamente, tramite le tecnologie di comunicazione a distanza (mail, telefono, sms, whatsapp), newsletter e comunicazioni sui servizi, prodotti e attività offerte dai partner e sponsor del titolare, che possano essere di maggior interesse per l’interessato; la base giuridica è rappresentata dal consenso come previsto dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. a) del Regolamento UE 2016/679;
  5. inviare mail con finalità di informazioni commerciali e promozionali per la vendita di nostri prodotti/servizi, della stessa tipologia di precedenti acquisti dell’interessato, salvo il rifiuto al trattamento da parte dello stesso, opponibile in qualsiasi momento; la base giuridica per tale tipo di trattamento è rappresenta dal legittimo interesse del Titolare come previsto dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. f);
  6. effettuare ricerche di mercato per sviluppare e migliorare la nostra gamma di prodotti, servizi e attività proposte dal titolare e loro partner; la base giuridica è rappresentata dal consenso come previsto dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. a) del Regolamento UE 2016/679;
  7. rendere possibile e funzionale la navigazione del sito, nonché garantirne un adeguato livello di sicurezza, integrità e disponibilità; la base giuridica per tale tipo di trattamento è rappresenta dal legittimo interesse del Titolare come previsto dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. f);
  8. analisi di dati statistici su dati aggregati o anonimi, con la finalità di monitorare il corretto funzionamento del Sito, traffico usabilità e interesse; la base giuridica per tale tipo di trattamento è rappresenta dal legittimo interesse del Titolare come previsto dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. f);
  9. accertare, esercitare o difendere un diritto in sede giudiziaria; la base giuridica per tale tipo di trattamento è rappresentata dal legittimo interesse del Titolare come previsto dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. f);
  10. per adempiere agli obblighi previsti dalla legge, da un regolamento, dalla normativa comunitaria o da un ordine dell’Autorità; la base giuridica per tale tipo di trattamento è rappresentata da quanto previsto dall’art.6 par. 1 lett. c);

Type of Data

The Data necessary for the pursuit of the objectives described above will be collected and processed:

  • identifying data
  • contact information
  • data relating to the contractual relationship
  • data relating to the preferences and interests of the Data Subject

Navigation Data

Computer systems and software processes responsible for the functioning of this website will acquire certain personal data in the course of their normal use, for which transmission is implied when using internet communication protocols.

This concerns information that is not collected in order for it to be associated to identified Data Subjects, but which due to their same nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, enables users to be identified.

Falling into this category is data such as the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users visiting the site, addresses in the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time requested, the method used to make the request to the server, the size of the file received in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server falls into this category (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.

This data is used exclusively to pull anonymous statistical information concerning the use of the site and to monitor that it is functioning correctly and is immediately deleted after processing.

The data could be used to ascertain liability in the event of hypothetical cyber crimes against the site.

Refusal to Provide Data

Apart from what is specified for the navigation data, user/visitors are free to provide their own personal data. The provision of Data is required in some cases, as any refusal to provide it could lead to a failure to conclude, or the incorrect fulfilment of the contract of which the Data Subject is a party and/or a failure to comply with legal obligations that the Controller is subject to.

The provision of Data for processing requiring consent is optional, failure to provide it will not lead to users being unable to benefit from the products/services offered by the Controller. Even in the event where consent is provided, the Data Subject will in any case be entitled to subsequently object, fully or in part, to the processing of their personal data for the above purposes, simply by making a request to the Controller at the above contact details.

Sources of Data

Data will be provided by the Data Subject or collected from third parties.

Data Processing Methods

With reference to the provisions of Article 5 of the regulation, the Personal Data subject to processing will be:

  1. processed in compliance with the law, correctly and transparently in relation to the Data Subject;
  2. collected and recorded for the established purposes, explicitly and legitimately, and subsequently processed in terms that are compatible with this purpose;
  3. suitable, pertinent and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it has been processed;
  4. accurate and, if necessary, updated;
  5. processed in a manner that ensures an adequate level of security;
  6. stored in a form that enables the identification of the Data Subject for a period of time no longer than required for the purpose for which it being processed.

Processing will be carried out using both manual and/or computerised and electronic methods using organisational and processing logic strictly related to the purpose itself and in any case in such a way that guarantees the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in compliance with the organisational, physical and logical measures stipulated by the provisions in effect.

Communication of Data

Personal Data may be communicated to parties authorised for processing, as well as to external managers appointed for processing by the Controller (the full list of external managers is available from the Controller), responsible for managing the purposes described above. With their consent, the Data may also be communicated to the Controller’s third party sponsor companies and/or commercial partners who may use it for the purposes described in no. 3) of the Article concerning “Purposes of Processing” cited above. In the context of pursuing the purposes stated above, the Data may be communicated to other parties acting as autonomous Controllers.

Dissemination of Data

Personal data will not be subject to dissemination.

Transfer of Data to Other Countries

For the purposes stated above,Personal Data will be processed within the European Economic Area (EEA). If it were to be transferred to a Third Party country, in the absence of an adequacy decision by the European Commission, the provisions stipulated by the applicable legislation concerning the transfer of Personal Data to Third Party Countries will be complied with, such as the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses.

Storage of Data

In general, Personal Data will be stored for the time strictly necessary for the pursuit of the purposes for which it was collected and subjected to processing, including the storage period required by the applicable legislation and, in any case, for maximum of 10 years from the termination of the relationship with the Controller, and for a maximum of 2 years for the purposes in which consent was required, unless there is a need for the Controller to defend their rights in court.

Rights of the Data subject

Pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016, Articles 15 to 21 and the national legislation on the subject, the data subject may, in accordance with the methods and within the limits set down by the legislation in force, exercise the following rights:

- request confirmation of the Personal Data concerning them (right of access);

- discover its origin;

- receive an intelligible communication;

- receive information concerning the logic, methods and purposes of the processing;

- request that it be updated, supplemented, corrected, deleted, anonymised, that it be blocked from processing that is in breach of the law, including that which is not necessary for the purposes for which it has been collected;

- the right to make a complaint to the Data Protection Authority;

- additionally, more generally, to exercise all of the rights that have been recognised to them by the legal provision in force.

The exercise of these rights can occur by sending a request, which must be addressed without formality to the Data Controller at the addresses stated above.

Versione Template: 3.1

Ultima modifica: 24/10/2023

De wintersport bestemmingen

De dorpen die deel uitmaken van het Italiaanse skigebied Skirama en bekend staan vanwege de kwaliteit, de wintersport aanbiedingen, de Italiaanse flair en de schoonheid van de natuur, zijn de volgende: Madonna di Campiglio en Pinzolo in Val Rendena, Folgarida Marilleva, Pejo en Ponte di Legno/Tonale in Val di Sole en Lombardije, Paganella Ski (Andalo-Fai della Paganella) aan de oostzijde van de Dolomieten, Monte Bondone domineert de stad Trento en Alpe Cimbra-Folgaria en Lavarone langs de Adige vallei.

Waar skiën in Italië Pejo

Skiën in Italië op 3000 meter hoogte middenin de natuur. Een plek die met haar karakteristieke elementen en het unieke en sprookjesachtige Nationale park Stelvio geliefd is bij gezinnen voor een wintersport met kinderen. Met de kabelbaan “ PEJO 3000” en de nieuwe piste Val della Mite, stelt skigebied Pejo zich ook graag voor aan de meer ervaren skiërs. Bovendien met interessante wintersport aanbiedingen waaronder skivakantie inclusief skipas en/of kortingen.

Waar skiën in Italië Folgarida Marilleva

Een groot skigebied met 150 km op elkaar aangesloten pistes. Het gebied van Folgarida-Marilleva biedt met haar 25 liften en 36 afdalingen (38% eenvoudig, 49% gemiddeld, 13% moeilijk) veel wintersport plezier in een authentiek paradijs voor wie van skiën, snowboarden en freestylen in Italië houdt. De ruime keuze uit accommodaties, die veelal direct aan de piste liggen, biedt de gasten de mogelijkheid de beste wintersport aanbiedingen te vinden. Ontdek de beste aanbiedingen voor je skivakantie inclusief skipas.

Waar skiën in Italië Pinzolo

Aan de voet van Doss del Sabion, heeft Pinzolo speciale aandacht voor gezinnen en jonge skiërs: de oefenweide voor de eerste ervaringen in de sneeuw, de skischool met haar kwaliteits keurmerk voor het lesgeven aan kinderen en de sfeervolle hutten. Skiën in Italië op de aangesloten pistes van Pinzolo met Madonna di Campiglio, maakt het skigebied Campiglio Dolomiti di Brenta compleet evenals de ruime keuze uit de vele wintersport aanbiedingen inclusief skipas.

Waar skiën in Italië Paganella Ski

Zeer modern skigebied op slechts 20 minuten van de snelweg A22 met een grote variëteit aan pistes en adembenemende panorama’s. Trainingslocatie van het nationale Noorse skiteam. 190 skileraren, 124 accommodaties waaronder hotels en appartementen, de pistes kunnen bovendien 100% van sneeuw worden voorzien oftewel de bestemming voor een skivakantie in Italië! Talrijke aanbiedingen voor een wintersport inclusief skipas.

Waar skiën in Italië Ponte di Legno - Tonale

Skigebied Pontedilegno-Tonale, tussen Trentino en Lombardije, garandeert skiërs de mogelijkheid om hier in Italië te skiën van de herfst tot ver in het voorjaar dankzij de gletsjer Presena op 3000 meter. 28 liften bedienen 100 km piste, allemaal verbonden en goed besneeuwd: dankzij de hoge ligging en sneeuwinstallaties die het gehele gebied kunnen besneeuwen. Bovendien talrijke aanbiedingen voor een skivakantie inclusief skipas.

Waar skiën in Italië Monte Bondone

Ongerepte natuur, ontspanning, mooie pistes, plezier en veiligheid: de ideale locatie voor een skivakantie in Italië met kinderen. Ouders met kleine kinderen vinden op Monte Bondone fantastische aanbiedingen voor een wintersport vakantie in stijl in de sneeuw #familyvillage: hotel, mini-club en skibar direct op de piste, skischolen, oefenweide, baby cross, animatie en veel plezier. Bovendien talrijke interessante aanbiedingen voor een goedkope skivakantie.

Waar skiën in Italië Madonna di Campiglio

Madonna di Campiglio, Pinzolo en Val Rendena behoren tot de meest bekende plaatsen in de Alpen. De Brenta Dolomieten met haar unieke rotsige toppen, Unesco werelderfgoed, omarmen de vallei tesamen met de Adamello en Presanella gletsjer.

Waar skiën in Italië Alpe Cimbra: Folgaria - Lavarone

Skigebied Alpe Cimbra Folgaria Lavarone biedt meer dan 104 km aan pistes, geschikt voor iedereen om te skiën in Italië: niet te missen de Slow Ski afdalingen en cult pistes (Salizzona, Agonistica, Avez del Prinzep), de snowboard parken en boarder cross. Moderne liften brengen de wintersporters naar de top. Sneeuw gegarandeerd van december tot april. Naast het skiën: fat bike, sleddog, sleeën, tuben, baby parken, wandelingen met sneeuwschoenen, ice-kart en schaatsen. Skivakantie aanbiedingen voor iedereen voor een top wintersport vakantie in Italië.

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